When you’ve been living with allergies for a while, it can be hard to tell when things are getting out of control. Sniffles and sneezing become a normal part of your day, and feeling a little congested is just your average Tuesday. So how do you determine it’s come time to seek help from an allergy specialist? It often isn’t the presence of one symptom or habit that will let you know. Rather, it will be a prevalence of symptoms all appearing simultaneously on a chronic basis. Below we’re going to reveal some signs that it may be time to seek professional help.
Signs You Need Help From an Allergy Specialist
- The Allergic Salute – You’ve been doing all the basic survival tricks. Your HEPA filter is changed regularly, your vacuum is properly equipped, and you avoid high-pollen days. Despite all this, your constantly doing the forearm across the nose salute to allergies. This is a common signal in children, but many adults also find themselves doing it.
- Raccoon Eyes – One common sign of allergies is the formation of dark circles under the eyes. An underlying cause of this is frequent rubbing of your eyes due to itching. Antihistamines can help, but if you’re still finding yourself looking like a trash panda, call your immunologist.
- Chronic Congestion – Do you frequently cough to clear your lungs? Is your nose always stuffy, and you feel like you have the flu? Do you get pressure headaches and feel frequent sinus pressure? If this sounds like your day-to-day life, it’s time to get help from an allergy professional.
- Wheezing – Asthma is a common sign of asthma, but seasonal allergies can be responsible as well. The whistling sound you’re hearing is the result of airways that have become constricted due to swelling. If it gets severe enough, it may require emergency care. Chronic wheezing is a definite reason to speak to your immunologist.
- Itchy Skin – There are many reasons you may experience dried skin, but allergies are a prominent cause. If no amount of moisturizing and hydration is helping, reach out to your immunologist for potential help. This symptom can often be due to rough fabrics, pet dander, fabric softeners, or detergents in your clothes.
- Hives – Hives are pale welts that appear on your skin that are itchy and red. These often appear in response to insect stings, medication, and foods that you’re sensitive to. Antihistamines are a good first approach, but steroids may be required in severe cases. Finding and eliminating the trigger from your life is the best approach, but an immunologist can help.
Talk To Your Immunologist To Find Lasting Relief
If you’re experiencing symptoms like these, especially on a chronic basis, it’s time to reach out to your immunologist. They can provide testing to determine the underlying cause and steps to take to ease your symptoms. Make the call today and start taking steps to control your symptoms and get back to enjoying your life.